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The Biomedical Research Education Program Begins his Outreach Program with an Exhibit at Villa Blanca Plaza Mall

Ms. Iris Zambrana, Principal at Elohim School, gives a personal tour of the exhibits to PR-BREP Program Director Dr. Emma Fernández-Repollet.
The Biomedical Research Education Program in collaboration with the Elohim School, which has served as a beta site for activities developed by the BREP program, organized an exhibit at the Villa Blanca Plaza Mall in Caguas. The Elohim School established a Science and Research Initiative as one of their key elements in the science curriculum to promote the interest of students in biomedical sciences.
One to one tours were very common during the exhibit and "BioMed Battle Team" characters on display at the exhibit.
Students from the school presented their science projects to shoppers at the Villa Blanca Plaza Mall. The exhibits included examples of biomedical laboratory equipment; literature about the digestive, reproductive and circulatory systems; clay models of the internal organs molded and painted by the students; microscopy photos and slides of diseases affecting the human body; and a musical show with a science twist. Ms. Iris Zambrana, Principal at Elohim School was enthusiastic with the response of the public. The exhibit centered in the students, who did not only prepare the presentations but also serve as tour guides of the exhibit.
One of the students at Elohim School prepares a poster section for the exhibit and
Students performed a musical show with a science twist for the attendees.
This is the first public exhibit co-sponsored by the BREP program as part of its Community Outreach Program. This activity will serve to inform the general public about biomedical research and its importance in minimizing the diseases and conditions that adversely affect our Hispanic population. In Puerto Rico, the shopping malls have become the centers of not only commercial but social activity. People of all ages and socio-economical background gathered at the malls to shop, share experiences, learn the latest events on the island and acquire the most recent information on any imaginable subject. The shopping malls, thus, provide a captive audience that otherwise is impossible to gathered.
Thanks to the staff of Elohim School and especially to the parents and students for organizing this wonderful and educational scientific exhibit.
